Information on how and when invoices are processed, credit and proof of delivery.
Invoices are produced on a daily basis and are printed off posted on Friday’s for the previous week’s work OR can be emailed directly. Jobs are only invoiced after receipt of a Proof of Delivery (POD). Please notify us if you do not require PODs in the post and are happy to view them on our portal. Payment terms are strictly 30 days month end unless by prior arrangement. Payments may be made by cheque but preferable by BACS. We reserve the right to place accounts on “Stop” without prior notification if account terms are not adhered to. If overdue accounts are passed on to external debt collectors we reserve the right to pass on to you our cost associated with using their services. In this instance all unpaid amounts become due immediately.
Invoicing Queries / Credit Request
Invoice Queries and requests for credit must be raised in writing within seven days of receipt of the invoice. Queries must be advised to any member of our accounts department. Any queries raised outside this time may be rejected.
Proof of Delivery (POD)
Following Delivery all PODs are scanned on to our computerised transport system and are made available online Via our Online Job Portal Screen. Your dedicated username and password will give you access to this facility through the Job Portal (online booking system). POD requests can also be made by emailing pods@shipleytransport.co.uk where by the POD will be attached to the email and returned.