Online Booking & Pallet Tracking
Find out about the benefits of our online booking and pallet tracking systems
Shipley Transport offer our customer base a fully visible, value added service including live online pallet tracking, live signature capture and a unique online booking form to minimise office paper waste and increase personal productivity. This alone increases Pallet Distribution and Road Haulage Transportation efficiency.
Online POD (Proof of Delivery)
Once a delivery has been completed and signed for (if hard proof of delivery has been used) within 24 hours the POD will be available for viewing via the job portal. PODs can be printed or emailed to interested parties.
Pallet Track and Trace
Consignments can be tracked and traced at any stage of the delivery process. As the consignment passes through the delivery process customers will receive five status updates finishing with “Scanned on Delivery Vehicle” and then showing a Live Signature. All of this information is recorded using Incab Telematics Technology along with satellite vehicle tracking TOMTOM. These work in synergy with Microsoft Virtual Earth. Clients receive Live information with regards to their consignments. Our Online Job Portal allows accurate Estimated Time of Arrivals Live at any time during the Delivery process.